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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pez Luvin the Carbon Core

While you're getting your daily dose of Pez to check on race reports, and the Daily Distraction of course, make sure to click your way over to the review of the CX2.0 Carbon Core Wheels.

Charles at Pez is a fan of Topolino wheels and for this review delved into the technical nuances that make the CX a treasured piece of riding equipment by its growing legion of fans.

Great value, terrific ride and cool aesthetics are attributes that we like to hear touted!

Among the the nuances Charles mentions include the external ribbing on the in-board portion of the rear hub drive side that increases strength. Having ridden Topolino wheels before Pez totally gets the carbon/kevlar spoke construction benefits. The combination of carbon and Kevlar provide toughness so anyone can ride the wheels on any road while keeping everything light.

On top of that, the carbon and Kevlar combination provides road vibration damping unlike any other wheel - sort of like having your cake and eating it too!

"I don’t mean for you to go out and ride like an idiot… But shit happens. And these are simply that whacky combination of light weight that also happens to take crap like a 1600 gram set of thrashers…"

Charles points out the fact that while you can buy other wheels with carbon in their spokes they either cost multiple times the price or have had some durability issues recently and are perhaps undergoing a re-think.

In Charles opinion, "There are loads of wheels in the $1200-1300 range you’ll find the CX 2.0… But not many that have the visual pop that these do as well as the combination of weight, stiffness and buzz kill. Add durability to the mix and you have a pretty nice set up."

You should always check Pez out for the real story.

For the full story of the CX review visit

Thanks Charles!