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Friday, February 4, 2011

Topolino UpGrade Program!

We are pleased to announce the 2011 Topolino UpGrade Program! For a limited time only, simply turn in your USED Revelation or Carbon Core wheelset to receive huge discounts on a NEW True Black wheelset.

This is a great opportunity to get your ride ready for the upcoming season with a new set of Topolino wheels. You can save over $500 with this program, depending on the model you are upgrading to.

Upgrade pricing applies to any Revelation or Carbon Core set. UpGrades can be from any used prior model to a newer one, ie Revelation to Carbon Core, Carbon Core to True Black, or Revelation to True Black. To qualify, wheelsets must be approved with a Return Authorization number first. Please call Topolino or your local authorized Topolino dealer to arrange the upgrade, or with any questions.
Keep them spinning!